1. How do I register?

Choose the according event on our website at which you would like to participate. Type in your personal data and, if you like, choose an additional event shirt. Doing this you support the organiser and you have a souvenir of the event. When running, please note that you adhere to the legislations and restrictions of your region concerning social distancing.

2. Do I have to have a Facebook account?

No, you don’t need that. The registration is processed through a separate portal. You’ll get there by clicking on the according event on our website.

3. When can I run?

Since these are worldwide runs, the running window has to be wider than usual. Look into the specific descriptions of the event you want to join for that information. It’s important to upload your time before the according upload window ends. You’ll find that information on the event page.

4. Where can I find my results?

The results list and rankings will be published on our event website on the day after the event ends. Click on ‘Results’ in our homepage menu to access them.

5. How can I access my finisher certificate?

You can print out your certificate at home. Click on your name in the ranking and a tab will open up. There you can find your finisher certificate.

6. How do I upload my tracked time?

You will find a link for uploading your time in the confirmation email. There you can type in your time. Please do this before the according upload window closes. The deadline for that is whenever your day ends, i.e. 11.59 p.m. You can check your results on the following day.

7. Does it matter which add I use for tracking my run?

No, that doesn’t matter. We suggest an app which lets you run a set distance. This lets you make sure that you don’t run too far or too short a distance.

8. When will the event goodies be sent?

We’re trying to process the shipping as effectively and smoothly as possible. International shipping times may at the current state of affairs be significantly longer than usual. Please be patient when waiting for the package to arrive – up to 14 days are often to be expected inside Europe and world-wide it’s up to three weeks. 

9. Can I participate at more than one run of one series?

Yes, that’s possible. However, you’ll have to register for each individual run. The process will always the same though.

10. Do I have to run the distance?

No, definitely not. It’s important that you stay in motion. So you can also Nordic-walk or speed walk.