We want to keep the world running – virtually – together!

Running strengthens your immune system and gets you fit whilst being mindful of your health. For this reason we brought ‘we-keep-on-running.com’ to existence and the competition to your own front door. Our mission is to keep the world on running together, also in challenging times. Together we can master everything!
Take part in our race events and virtually compete with your competitors, friends and family members despite physical distance. You do not need to take any unnecessary trips – the starting point will always be wherever you are. Bib numbers, timekeeping, result lists and finisher certificates are naturally provided. Same old – new normal! Use the hashtag #keeponrunning to draw attention to our initiative. Get your friends, co-workers, family, dogs and acquaintances to join us, too. We want to keep you running – virtually – together.

Register for one of the listed events.
- Get the feeling right: Print out your personalised bib number (which we’re sending with the confirmation email) and pin it to your WE KEEP ON RUNNING shirt.
- Treat yourself to one of these exclusive souvenirs (medals, t-shirts,…) of the respective race when you register. If still available, you can also place another order after the run.

Start your chosen run from home.
- There will be a virtual starting signal live-streamed on Facebook for you to get in the right mindset.
- Don’t worry – if you want to start later don’t matter as long as you stay within the upload time frame.
- Stop your personal time and distance on your smartwatch or with a tracking app.
- Matter of honour: Everyone runs on their own so please be honest in measuring your time for the sake of sportsmanlike behaviour.
- >> More info on ‚How do I track my run?‘

Let us know your measured time.
- You will find a link for uploading your time in the registration confirmation email. Please follow this link on the day of the event before the respective upload deadline.
- Send us a screenshot of your tracking app or a picture of the results on your smartwatch.
- We are looking forward to getting lots of finisher pictures from all over the world on our Facebook page.

Look up your results in the ranking
- On our website „lauf-weiter.de“ you will find the list of results one hour after the upload deadline on the day of the event.
- Depending on the distance, there will be age range as well as m/f rankings online.
- You can print out your personalised finisher certificate at home.

Time Limitations
- Run the chosen distance on the designated day of the event.
- Should you track a shorter distance than chosen and registered for, we are unfortunately obliged to disqualify you (DNF).
- Should you run a little farther than chosen and registered for, we will still take your tracked time.
- The tracked time and corresponding screenshot of proof have to be uploaded before the upload deadline.
- Take enough water with you on your run.
- Pay attention and adhere to the current legal provisions concerning freedom of movement.
- Only participate when you feel fit and healthy.

Be a part of our Keep-On-Running community also outside of the events and follow us on Facebook. We’re interested to know which runs you like best, what you think of our ideas and where we can still improve.
If you would like to tell us something outside of social media, you are welcome to use the contact form. We’re happy to listen, to help and to keep on running.